What You Should Know
November 2002 • World Fence News | The Do-It-Yourselfer's Fence Guide
Did you ever get the feeling that the fence company's prices are too high and that you could do it yourself a little cheaper? Well, here is what World Fence News figures the average wood fence costs a do-it-yourselfer:
Boards and posts.............................................................................. | $990.45 |
Concrete mix to set posts ................................................................. | $95.00 |
Wheelbarrow to mix concrete .......................................................... | $99.95 |
New post hole digger ....................................................................... | $49.95 |
New hammer ................................................................................... | $14.00 |
New electric saw ............................................................................. | $89.98 |
100-foot extension cord for saw ....................................................... | $45.00 |
Tape measure, level, miscellaneous tools ........................................... | $70.00 |
8 gallons of wood stain ..................................................................... | $98.00 |
50 lbs. of nails .................................................................................. | $65.00 |
Three cases of beer for free helpers .................................................. | $35.00 |
Steaks to feed free help (first day) .................................................... | $55.00 |
Hamburgers to feed free help and families (second day) .................... | $40.00 |
Doctor's bill for splinter in hand of free helper .................................... | $100.00 |
Doctor's bill for smashed toe (sidewalk supervisor) ........................... | $100.00 |
Doctor's bill for eight stitches in husband's arm .................................. | $170.00 |
Tetanus shot for rusty nail in kid's foot ............................................... | $90.00 |
New sod for holes dug in neighbor's yard by mistake ........................ | $90.00 |
Replacement of bushes growing on fence line .................................... | $120.00 |
More nails to replace bent ones ........................................................ | $20.00 |
More beer for free help (which also explains the bent nails) ............... | $40.00 |
Gas for trips to get more nails, beer, cement, etc. .............................. | $30.00 |
Three days lost from work due to back problem ............................... | $380.00 |
Divorce settlement (wife was one of the helpers) ............................... | $90,000.00 |
Cost of do-it-yourself fence: ......................................................... | $92,887.33 |
Fence company's estimate for same fence: ................................. | $1,980.00 |