What You Should Know

November 2002 • World Fence News | The Do-It-Yourselfer's Fence Guide
Did you ever get the feeling that the fence company's prices are too high and that you could do it yourself a little cheaper? Well, here is what World Fence News figures the average wood fence costs a do-it-yourselfer:


Boards and posts..............................................................................


Concrete mix to set posts .................................................................


Wheelbarrow to mix concrete ..........................................................


New post hole digger .......................................................................


New hammer ...................................................................................


New electric saw .............................................................................


100-foot extension cord for saw .......................................................


Tape measure, level, miscellaneous tools ...........................................


8 gallons of wood stain .....................................................................


50 lbs. of nails ..................................................................................


Three cases of beer for free helpers ..................................................


Steaks to feed free help (first day) ....................................................


Hamburgers to feed free help and families (second day) ....................


Doctor's bill for splinter in hand of free helper ....................................


Doctor's bill for smashed toe (sidewalk supervisor) ...........................


Doctor's bill for eight stitches in husband's arm ..................................


Tetanus shot for rusty nail in kid's foot ...............................................


New sod for holes dug in neighbor's yard by mistake ........................


Replacement of bushes growing on fence line ....................................


More nails to replace bent ones ........................................................


More beer for free help (which also explains the bent nails) ...............


Gas for trips to get more nails, beer, cement, etc. ..............................


Three days lost from work due to back problem ...............................


Divorce settlement (wife was one of the helpers) ...............................




Cost of do-it-yourself fence: .........................................................




Fence company's estimate for same fence: .................................
